Navigate the chilling narrative of survival in "Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game," the inaugural installment in a gripping series. Designed for 2 to 5 players, with an optimal experience at 4, this game challenges players to collaborate in the midst of a world overrun by zombies and disease. Each player leads a group of survivors, juggling personal secret objectives with common goals, creating an intricate web of intrigue and suspense.
The unique twist unfolds in the harsh winter setting, intensifying the challenges of tasks like scavenging for supplies, resolving crises, and maintaining group morale. With personal goals impacting the game's outcome, strategic decisions become even more crucial. The game's complexity can be adjusted by opting out of personal gains, offering a versatile experience for players of various skill levels. Everything needed for an immersive and suspenseful gaming session is included, listed conveniently on the package's back.
Survive the undead onslaught, confront personal dilemmas, and unravel mysteries in "Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game," where the line between cooperation and betrayal is as thin as the winter air.